Monday, 16 November 2009

Delices & Gourmandises - is it a scam??

Basically for those that Still believe in santa and the tooth fairy, and for those millions of internet searches that include the word FREE! in there posts.

"yes this is a scam"

The wordings in the material. I searched online for other issues with delices & gourmandises. didnt take me long to find a list of what i can only describe as ripe for the picking. this company sends you aload of blurb about the fact you have won a computer or fridge-freezer plus a cash prize of over £5000 or £7000 they even have your name and telephone number to make sure its you. but theres a catch you must order some of there fine chocolate or biscuits with your first order...mmmmm

so you do. you even receive the biscuits or chocolate, and to be honest I have tried these myself and there not bad, but no different to what you can get from tesco or sainsbury`s and certainly not worth the price tag of over £10 a pop. in the vain attempt that most people will fall for it.


Well, your not getting your all singing and dancing laptop, and if you was expecting to replace the fridge/freezer with a new one, well you better ask santa or at least hope for snow. as for the the cheque for £5,000 or £7,000 (I have seen different amounts, they are generous with the numbers..

How Do we stop them?
I was urged to start this blog, because I found my father was just about to send money again to these types of predators, they prey on the old and weak, those that know no better, even though after spending years on this planet, never thought to ask themselves if they ever got something of such high value for nothing before..???
That`ll be a No then!!

You can do your part by just replying to this blog, and let the search engines do the rest..the only way to stop these kind of scams or at least slow them down is to keep writing about them, then hopefully when people search for the title words we will hit the top searche results..

Just remember it could be your mother or father or Grandparents That fall victim to these slick operators. there tactics have changed but the end results are the same..give your support and post a note....

Delices & Gourmandises - is